It is with a special sadness that I'm informing the membership of the passing of another one of the West Pt. Band's fine musicians. Michael Buglio, Co-Principal & Principal Trumpet from 1951-1955 passed away on 22 Jan 2015 at the age of 86. He had suffered from the complications of diabetes for a number of years. His last years were in hospice and his brother Joe often mentioned how much Michael enjoyed having been a member of the Band. He grew up in Hazelton, PA and eventually became an educator / instructor in high school music for thirty-five years. He earned a Masters in Education and a Masters in Trumpet performance. Michael was a regular at the West Point Band Reunions until the diabetes halted his attendance. I remember him as a gentleman who had accumulated a large number of Band and TM Resta stories which he would often relate when you found him in the mood.
Michael was a uniformly excellent performer. He and Mel Broiles, Lou Pontecorvo, Joe Greco, and six other trumpeters and cornetists put out first quality performances under an endless variety of conditions.
The Interment will be private. Here is the link to the funeral home if you have any questions. It is their e-mail account. Info@DellaFH.com. You can also catch the funeral home site at this URL: dellafh.com/obits and also read the full obituary.
Their address is the following:
Della Vecchia, R,S,S & B Funeral Home
410 No. Church Street
West Chester, PA 19380
May he Rest in Peace and take his place in that very largest Pass In Review when that last Trumpet Sounds
Respectfully, Robert